Frequently asked questions

We now have an FAQ list that we hope will help you answer some of the more common ones.

1. Who are all your customers?

All major MNCs are our customers

2. What is the highest fleets to the client?

We are capable of providing any volumes with minimum turnaround time

3. What are the value-added services you have?

Latest technology vehicles, Own fuel stations, Maintenance Facilities and Parking areas

4. What is your Unique Selling Point (USP)?

To cater safe, cost effective, reliable transportation

5. How is financial position?

We have study and strong financial positions

6. How good you are during Emergency situations?

Ready to meet any type of situations with well experienced Management and operation team

7. What is your TAT (Turn-around Time) to start up the services?

We are capable of meeting the timeline before agreed timelines mentioned in the agreement

8. What is your price?

Reasonably best in the market

9. How the responsibility is ensured?

We have Centralized Command Centre – 24/7 and Toll-Free number